Signez la charte

ENGAGEZ-VOUS pour la préservation des BANQUETTES de POSIDONIE !

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Already 1212 signatories, next goal is 2000 !

Why act?

What is Posidonia ?

Posidonia, a marine plant. Posidonia oceanica is not an alga, but a marine flowering plant that lives only in the Mediterranean Sea.  It forms meadows, real underwater forests that can be found at depths of up to 40 meters.


What role do banquettes play?

A major role against erosion. The banquettes that form on the beaches from dead Posidonia leaves deposited by the sea support biodiversity and play a major role in limiting beach erosion.  


What role do Posidonia meadows play?

An ecosystem on its own. Posidonia meadows offer support, shelter, spawning grounds and nurseries for many species.  More than 400 different plant species and several thousand animal species live there

To know more

Posidonia : a protected plant

A precious plant. Posidonia rhizomes grow at a rate of only 1-3 cm per year! It is therefore particularly valuable and is why it is protected.

More information about Posidonia

How to act?

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Without me, no beach!


Make a concrete action in favor of the preservation of Posidonia banquettes

  • Take the time to learn more about Posidonia in the section “WHY ACT?”
  • Discover how you can act according to your profile in the  “HOW TO ACT” section
  • Sign up by clicking on «Sign the charter»  Adhere to the common values and objectives and choose your specific commitments. SIGN!


  • To go further:

You will receive an email confirming your commitment

Create your user account.

Download your action sheet

Submit your testimony once your action has been completed (text + photo)

  • Share the information in your networks!

Commit to the preservation of Posidonia banquettes!

Thank you!
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It will take less than 2 min !

G Sylvi

plage du Grand Jardin

petite pause sur le sentier du littoral

13/04/2023 SEE MORE

C Abdelbasset

Zarzis, Tunisie

Magnifique plage de Hassi Jerbi! Notre enfance à dormir, les nuits d'été, sur les banquettes moelleuses.

09/12/2022 SEE MORE

C Federico

Cala Millor - Mallorca

IMEDEA´s scientists taking and preparing Posidonia samples to be analysed

27/10/2022 SEE MORE

M Liliane

Roquebrune Cap Martin , plage du Buse

Les posidonies c'est le pied !! Tapis moelleux bien plus doux au pied que les galets ! Malheureusement encore bien trop souvent souillées par les déchets des usagers des plages .... à apprécier et respecter d'urgence !

12/09/2022 SEE MORE

G Sylvi

la plage du jardin de la Méditerranée sur la commune de Bormes les Mimosas

une journée d'été bien moelleuse sur un coussin de posidonie

09/09/2022 SEE MORE

They have committed to the preservation of Posidonia banquettes